Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Affluenza, yes its contagious.

After we read that story in class I somewhat realized a little bit more, just how serious of a problem it is for people. Shopping like a madman, buying things uncontrollably. Not even leaving your chair due to an eight hour bidding session on Ebay..? Is it worth it? I know kids at school that are obsessed with buying Nike SB's literally..obsessed. They have to have every pair. and I guarantee there is a kid in each class that has more than 3 at home. I personally don't. I have one pair of shoes, and one pair of boots for extracurricular activites. But even I am stuck and pulled into buying useless things. Shopping malls go up everyday, more and more random, useless things to be bought. its dangerous even. Some people go to malls everyday and become pack rats, I'm sure you've seen it on TV somewhere, with a lady or a household with majority of the house filled with possesions, and then they get an intervention, that almost always ends in tears. I believe that since this problem has become more public, and some are more aware that they could have a problem, that the issue will cease eventually. but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't stop now, because you should!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just Another Bronx Tale

First off, Let me just say. fantastic movie. and the fact that it took up a whole week was even better. (jk)..Anyway, so a Bronx tale, based off a true story is a amazing reinactment of an italian boys life, and a mafia lifestyle. I was still a little confused a bout the whole parking space incident. I know it was more than just a parking spacei still jut didnt understand the whole metaphor. im assuming its about respect for the street and the guys that rule it. Thats another great message in the movie is about respect, not only for your elders, but for everyone else around you. you never know what might happen if you wrong the wrong guy. And seeing what happens to the man that stole the parking space. Im reminded to be a little more curteous around spooky men in suits. Anyways, sociologists like mr. Salituro have a blast during this movie because of all the things that he can relate to the sociological mindfulness and structure of people. Things like how people would do certain things only on their block. And completely change when they go to a different street. And how C changed throughout the movie, expecially after his friends are killed, and he decides to breakaway from the whole mob scene. Great movie, plan on seeing more like it.

Monday, September 13, 2010


This weekend, I went on a Habitat for Humanity trip. I went to a house in Elgin that needed to be restored to the way it was 95 years ago in 1913. It is kind of a stupid plan, because they want to take this little house, and remove the big bedroom and the walkway to make a large front porch, leaving the kitchen and the bathroom and the bedroom...nothing else...So they're getting paid to make the house half the size. Doesn't make sense to me. But it was really fun! They first had me remove the siding, we kinda just tore it off the side, that took about 2-3 hours. Then I moved inside, and started breaking through the walls, I punched a lot of holes in the wall. that was fun. Then came lunch. A Lady came around 1200 with a whole bunch of sandwiches and brownies and fruit. it was a feast. lastly I got to break the cabinets off the wall with a sledge hammer. The trip was a great expierience for me for one, because it was a lot of fun, and long day. so I went home tired and I felt accomplished. The lady that owned the house has a lot of work to do. But I'm sure shes beyond thankful for all the help shes getting. I plan on going back there for a second trip to see how far the house has come since i was there. It'll be cool to visit it years from now knowing that i helped to make it that way.