Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Monday, September 13, 2010


This weekend, I went on a Habitat for Humanity trip. I went to a house in Elgin that needed to be restored to the way it was 95 years ago in 1913. It is kind of a stupid plan, because they want to take this little house, and remove the big bedroom and the walkway to make a large front porch, leaving the kitchen and the bathroom and the bedroom...nothing else...So they're getting paid to make the house half the size. Doesn't make sense to me. But it was really fun! They first had me remove the siding, we kinda just tore it off the side, that took about 2-3 hours. Then I moved inside, and started breaking through the walls, I punched a lot of holes in the wall. that was fun. Then came lunch. A Lady came around 1200 with a whole bunch of sandwiches and brownies and fruit. it was a feast. lastly I got to break the cabinets off the wall with a sledge hammer. The trip was a great expierience for me for one, because it was a lot of fun, and long day. so I went home tired and I felt accomplished. The lady that owned the house has a lot of work to do. But I'm sure shes beyond thankful for all the help shes getting. I plan on going back there for a second trip to see how far the house has come since i was there. It'll be cool to visit it years from now knowing that i helped to make it that way.


  1. Its amazing on how much you effect people. It think its kind of cool that you want to go back to the house years later and see whats happened. This summer i got the chance to do something very the same as what you did. I got to to to Pittsburgh to help families who have lower income and the old people and i got to paint and a lot of other things too and i would like to go do it again, next summer. if you are interested hit me up. also can i have a cookie?!

  2. Very cool experience - glad you posted about it. For the Bronx Tale post, be sure to discuss more of the sociology involved.
