Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Minimum wage

Another showing of Morgan Spurlocks 30 Days show. Although in this episode he wanted to spend 30 days living on minimum wage. Which i still say is doable, becuase if you look at society, quite clearly there are people living this life everyday. and right off the bat. i found some clear mistakes as to why he failed. and by fail i mean he was in debt at the end of the show. morgan and his fiance both worked a full time job making around 7.00 and hour. The first mistake i saw was...They bought a decent apartment right off the bat. If they really wanted to survive they could've bought a crummier place for the first month just so they can get their bearings and start to get a profit enough to get on their feet. But they bought the apartment, payed the deposits. and were already in quite a bit of debt. the second thing i saw was they ate fairly decent food. they showed rice and beans alot. but they also had some nice vegetable dishes which i understand can be nice at certain points. but if they were really that cautious about their money they could've bought something like ramen noodle soup, which is 30 cents a package...and the other thing. was they both got hurt right away which wouldnt always happen. because after working that manual labor lifestlye you would build some stronger resistances and be able to tolerate things like that so you wouldnt pay a 1500 dollar hospital bill...and the last movie fail was..They only did it for one month..in that month he had to buy the house, buy the buss pass, get a job, so he lost alot of money, and alot of time. if he lived that life. he would be getting raises as he continued in his career, not making 7.00 from day one to finish., and he wouldnt be paying for all those starting luxuries that he had to afford in the beginning. All in All, a rough lifestlye if you have to live it. but it can be done.

1 comment:

  1. I think the idea wasn't that it can be done, but it was to see what their life was like while doing it. They ate rice and beans, nothing fancy. They didn't 'buy' a house, they were paying rent. How much crummier could their place have gotten, if there was a crackhouse right below them a week earlier? The bus pass is for one month, so that is a regular expense every month. And in the end, the point is that it was a very rough life and even if they could have lived like that, they certainly weren't going to move up. Obviously, it is possible to live like that, because millions of Americans do it, but the point is that they barely get by and their opportunities and quality of life are limited.
