Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Ok soon wednesday we looked at a bunch of balls on the table. random baseballs basketballs footballs etc. and we were asked to put them into categories. now most people did color or size. but when salituro added more balls into the pile, it made it harder to distinugish what was what. i still think i had a pretty good 3 category combo. that was Fuzzy, Leather, Plastic. you can basically clearly tell what has fuzzy on it, whats made of majority leather, and obviously whats plastic. But of course theres an ultior motive to the assignment and again i was wrong. But there is a good lesson there. and i did learn something, that people all along the equator are black. i didnt know there were black austrailians and so on. what still bugs me is Asians, i understand the black and white pigetmentation differences. but what makes asians different? blacks were something with melanin in their skin that absorbs more vitaman C and changes tehir color, but what about the geography affects the worlds asians in the way that it does, thats what gets me. feel free to comment and answer the question. Moral of the day. dont try and categorize athletic balls (proven to not work!..ask sal)

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