Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Monday, August 23, 2010

About me

Hey, my name is Chad Harris. I am 17 and a senior in high school this year. I was born on February 3rd, in Illinois. I have lived in the northern hemisphere my whole life. and probably will for the remainder of it. I do plan on visiting somewhere like Austrailia or New Zealand, I think it'd be fun to camp out over there. i recently started snowboarding the last couple years and so far haven't died trying it. I started taekwondo last year and plan to continue through college. speaking of college, I am fairly set on going to NIU, a lot of my buddies are going as well. It will be a great year, this one and the next. hopefully I can get some camping done with friends this year while its still dry, and once winter moves around go up north and start snowboarding again.


  1. Cool Chad! Have a great senior year at Stevenson I like camping and being in the snow too so that's pretty interesting. I went camping for 18 days on a 600 mile bike tour this past summer. Good luck!

  2. 600 mile bike tour? do you have thunder thighs now? gotta be rock hard, try out for Mr. universe brosky

  3. Hi! I also started snowboarding a couple years ago and I enjoy camping as well. Two summers ago I went camping in Alaska and Canada for three weeks :)It was awesome.

  4. You are so pro-northern hemisphere! :-)
