Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Freaks and Geeks.

Yesterday we started watching Freaks and Geeks, a reality TV show placed in high school around the 1980's. It only aired for one season, but in the few minutes I saw, it looked like it would've been a hit. The show is about a few kids in high school, but the few kids are part of something much larger than they realize. I guess the show is somewhat similar to my life...Being that fact that it is in high school...other than that, there is the cliques and factions throughout school. In the show it sponsors the freaks and the geeks. Whereas a school as big as ours, doesn't leave as much room for groups like that, but they are evident and visible if you look hard enough. If I had to relate this show to a sociologist perspective, I'd pick Emile Durkheim, and her functional theory. There are different groups and leaders that serve different purposes, mainly the freaks and the geeks. Two very different types of people, the things they wear, the way they dress, the things they do in their free time, where they plan on going to school after highschool. Things like that really make a difference in what group their in. And these choices can really relate to the average high schooler, like me, because that happens everyday. Now in our large school, its tough to pin 2 small groups, more like a thousand cliques and groups like that. But the same message still applies.


  1. I completely agree with what your saying, since we do go to a really big school it's really hard to tell the cliques at first since there are just so many people. But if you do look really closely you do see that there are groups, or cliques that different people are apart of.

  2. i disagree with our school having cliques. sure there are groups. but i dont think cliques. But then theres the question, are cliques and groups the same?? curveball ftw.
