Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Why would anyone consider silence to be awkward? When your alone sometimes silence is good. others like to get rid of the silence by blasting music. But in a classroom or a lunch table, when someone is speaking and everyone else chimes in, but then....silence...Some people throw out the awkward turtle or something to break up that absense of sound, and we cheer it on with a giggle. Similar to what my teacher Mr. Sal did in class on the first day of school. He said ok class, lets begin talking about sociology. And then he proceeded to sit in the back of the class behind two girls, and just sat there. out of sight of a few students, while the rest stared at him. After a minute or so, one of the kids said. "Sooo, where should we start?" And then thats when Mr. Sal stood up and started teaching us about sociology, mainly about why we consider silence awkward. And its the fact that we have gone to school over the last few years, and when we enter the class, we assume the teacher has work for us to do. Not just to sit there and examine eachother. So i guess an appropriate message to assume, would be..to not assume. Everyday is different, and we should embrace each day not expecting the teacher to do what we think he might.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, your blog title is hilarious. I LOL'd. thanks. About the silence, glad you are open to evrything being new and interesting - that is a beginner's mind which is very good for learning. Try to keep that! Could you relate the lesson to more from your own life? You could also write less about what we actually did that day - most of us reading this were there, so you don't have to go over it.
