Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Bread Pantry...

Now you're probably wondering why I labeled this post the Bread pantry, On Thursday night I worked at a food pantry from 6 to 9:30. Handing out food to and running carts to peoples carts, the typical things. But I call it a bread pantry because when I walked in, I believe we had more bread than any other item. Probably close to the amount of can soups that were there. So what I thought was...Why did they buy all this bread, there can't be that many people that are going to take a bread loaf, especially considering they were only allowed one. And the fact that there was more bread than any other item. It Baffled me...But at the end of the night, the first thing gone..Was the Bread! I don't live in a poor district. Its not royal melbourne, but it is the standard suburb. Everyone around me seems fairly wealthy. I had no idea that There were over 300 people that night that came in and were able to take food from the pantry at St. Francis De Sales church. But now i know there are. I finished the 10 hours that were required for sociology. But by no means am I done doing community service. There is always so much to be done. even when I was there. I started by double bagging some shopping bags so they didn't rip when the people where shopping. and then I started running bags from the back to the front (the full ones that people had filled) All sorts of items. Like salads and meats donated from jewel. obviously the standard canned items that were donated from numerous individuals. But most of all..Peanut butter and Bread. yes there was more peanut butter than god himself could consume..Seriously Jelly couldn't compete even it wanted to. It was a fast 3 and a half hours. And I wouldn't mind going again. perhaps I'll bring some friends...


  1. That's crazy all that bread went. I think it's really interesting to see how much people value food, no matter what type of food it is.

  2. thats funny how in most books people are always asking for bread, ive just always thought of bread as a bare necessity food item. but that seems like a lot of fun.
