Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesdays with Morrie.

As you all should know. We watched a movie in class, called tuesdays with Morrie (I think thats how you spell morrie). An old man dieing of ALS filled with wisdom, seeing as he is a sociology teacher why wouldnt he be. (see what you have to look forward too Mr. Sal). He spoke alot about love and friendship. Every week was a new message, and with each new message the main character was changed greatly. and for hte better of course. Most of what I got out of his messages were the main big ones. like you cant live life without love, thats the basis of all things, is to be loved. From infants to elderly you have to be loved or its not worth living. The other was in order to live you have to know how to die. And Morrie knew how to do just that. He admitted he was afraid but he knew it would happen and he knew how he wanted to go. And he wanted everyone to hear his tale before he was gone. I myself and terrifide of getting old. I have no fear of dying what so ever. just not while im old. Seeing my grandpa in the hospital and other elderly people. I think its terrible to have to live like that. Im an active person and if i have to be confined to a chair peeing through tubes, having someone carry me and feed me like a newborn baby. I couldnt take it. So i believe the main lesson people need to learn from morrie is, "In order to live you have to first learn how to die"


  1. I hope Sal turns out to be just like Morrie. haha

  2. yea it was a really powerfull movie, and i kninda do agree with him that you have to know how to live before you can learn how to die

  3. Tuesdays with Mourrie was a great movie and a great book if you read it. I agree with you that the best quote was "In order to live you have to first learn how to die."

  4. Haha - if i have to be Morrie, will you be mitch? You can come and visit :-)
