Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ai-Ki-Do (peace/harmony--Energy--Way)

Today i found out very painfully That Mr. Salituro is an Aikido MASTER. its a fairly new form of martial art that was developed in the low 1900's on a battleship i believe, with an officer that attacked a crewman that was skilled in martial arts and the crewman knew that if he hurt the officer hed be dishonorably discharged which would bring him and his family great dishonor. So he proceeded to end the threat with lots of the throws and dodges till the officer accepted defeat. The crewman then decided to develop a new form of martial art called AiKido which instead of breaking the arms and legs of your opponent you can simply tire them out, disarm them, weaken them into submission without any permanent lifechanging damage. We also read an article today about a boy on a bus that was ready to beat up a drunken man that was causing a riot, he was very excited to finally get to use his aikido skills and really hurt the bum that was harassing the busfolk. Right when he was about to make his strike, an old man in a wheelchair came onto the bus and calmed the man through words and gentle talking. talking about his life and got the drunken man to admit his sadness with the loss of his wife and job and so on. Then the boy realized that he had just seen aikido in action, that it didnt take a strong jab or toss to bring the man down Gentle words and calm conversation the peacefulness was what he really needed. and he didnt have to fight like the boy had planned to. I think the world needs more of this. I've taken Karate, Taekwondo, Jiujitsu, and Aikido, but I never knew the history of aikido and what it really meant. jiujitsu espicially is meant to kill. If you get close to getting hit, you break the arms and legs and go for the throat. Same with karate. But now I've got a new look at what you can do with martial arts. It is the discipline side of trying to really avoid the pain you can cause and just neutralize the problem. Like I said. The world needs more of this.


  1. I agree that the world needs more of this. We are too focused on violence and pain, and we need to shift our focus to thoughts, feelings and words.

  2. HAHA painfully. It was awesome to hear about the AiKiDo in action. I agree with you that we need more peace; if only everyone could see that. Neutral ground is always the best; fighting should always be a last resort.

  3. "It is the discipline side of trying to really avoid the pain you can cause and just neutralize the problem. Like I said. The world needs more of this."
    - I agree with this. We need more peace in this world but everyone looks at the world as if they need to defend themselves all the time. Which they do but if everyone started realizing and changing their ways then we would have less to worry about.

  4. Thats really true, if there were more forms of peaceful fighting the world would be a much better place. However, as we saw in the article with the old man fighting should be used only when it is absolutely needed.

  5. I agree that our world needs more of that. It is time for us to stop trying to cause more violence to get what we want, and start to end violence to get what we need!

  6. I find it really cool that a small person can use Akido against big people and WIN. I also agree that we need more of this in the world. Maybe they should start teaching this in gym class.
