Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Deviance...Condescending, But sometimes Honorable!

Deviance as we all probably can associate is a bad thing...Or so we are taught. We are taught to stay away from the deviant ones in school because our parents say that they'll get us into trouble...or at least mine did...Little did she know....ANYWAY...Its those deviant kids that sometimes are the ones TO be around, We read an article in class you can on Sal's Page. That a man when he was mugged, decided to talk to the muggar, and bought him dinner, gave him some cash and "treated him Right" whens the last time you did that? I'll answer for you. Proably Never. So as an assignment I had to show a Random Act of Deviance...So over the weekend I was at a buddies lakehouse, and we went out to dinner for pizza, and other snacks and goodies. But as we were cahtting at our table. we noticed that our friends father forgot his wallet. So us (3 kids) we threw in what money we had in our wallets and we ended up having enough..Beat doing the dishes...at the time I didnt even think about the random act of deviance...actually didnt really think about it till I got to school and we talked about it. But it was there nonetheless. So instead of avoiding the Deviant ones...Learn from them.


  1. I agree with you that most people have, and never will, do anything like that. I think "random acts of kindness" should be done a lot more often. I wish people wouldn't think little things that are different are weird. It's nice to help people out sometimes.

  2. I think it was nice of you to do that, and I agree we should always learn from the deviant ones, so we learn what to do, and what not to do in various situations.
