Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Discrimination...In Media?

In class we watched a long movie about the discrimination in media. I always somewhat knew of the problems and the strategies that companies use to advertise their products such as using the most attractive women out there and even reshaping them to be perfect and have flawless edges that the original model couldnt compete with. They use the sexy poses for almost everything. Even random commercials such as Jeans and Taco Bell, They had a super model eating a taco, wouldnt happen ever in real life. The jeans commercial they proceeded to undress and really show the jeans off...others the only things Missing were teh jeans. Msot of all though, women are used in alchol commercials, as being part of the beer or whatever it may be. Never treated as themselves or women alone. they're always an object, or something just to be looked at. the studies show that it makes women feel inferior to the women that are shaped like beer bottles...And so they go on diets and develop eating disorders, and ultimately can really harm their life in the future due to careless advertising. It really is an injustice but nothing can be done since the court has previously ruled that the government cant prevent what happens in the media and cant control advertising. One thing that can be done is to try adn prevent kids and teens from seeing these types of advertisements...Odds of that succeeding are probably less than getting hit by lightning 12 times in a row. Salituro tries to keep his daughters away from disney movies because he doesnt like the messages they send out. I guess we will find out in a couple years how well that plan works (lol). I've definately noticed a change in advertising, even men are now 90% of the time undressed in order to look cool. Its weird if you think about it. so try it. think. and Comment.

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